Monday, January 24, 2011

Kidney Regain Function


wish HARTZ IV - inhumanity with system?

are constantly there any new news on absurd and unfair practices, the job centers, and consortiums and the rest of them. But this tops everything here.

recently a case was known, as were a pregnant woman benefits reduced to zero, because they refused
to connect a 1-Euro-Job. Apparently there would be "a public interest", the competent job center.

I'm sure the public was not consulted on this! So what interest?

Something like that is just a mess to say the least and in my opinion is a criminal offense.

Not only here that human dignity is violated, what, I think, in all of these sanctions is the case, no, to unborn life is also not taken into consideration. This is to protect the unborn life of one of our most important rights and obligations.

have not only a duty of care such as employers, but also, and in particular, especially the Job Center, etc. And this duty was violated and hurt.

If this were an isolated case, one might even call it a mistake, but appears to have the system. Across the country, more than 5,500 known cases has been taken in which similar or identical.

I wonder what kind of people who make such decisions? There are but also mothers and fathers who work at this job centers. But where is it all the same? Degree which would have but the alarm bells resound in the ears. But nothing, the decision is made and then to the future mother to see how it comes clear. Thus, a cold feeling saddened and angry to the same.

All this just shows the system does not HARTZ IV is functional, over-bureaucratic and oppressive-respecting and must be abolished. We need finally (again) a system that is based on solidarity, compassion and charity.

encourage and challenge is good, but it should not be the point of cruelty.

Therefore: "Down with Hartz IV"

I'm for it and YOU? Click


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