Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Misty Mundae Hardcorfe

FX-Unleashed - Tests


How did you noticed, there is a new version and thus a new test. I want to explain why this so I handled so that no misunderstandings.

The development of Expert Advisors is a process. Each test shows the weaknesses and strengths of the current state of development. If I discover a weakness here, such as last night, then I correct them and then start a new test to determine whether the adjustments lead to an improvement. In yesterday's case, several trades are rattled to the stop loss and then would have been profitable. So I have to calculate the stop loss at a standard deviation expanded.

could clear now I can continue to run the old version, but I've the weakness in this already discovered and corrected. So this would be no great benefit. Losses are to very clear and can not be eliminated completely. I'm not even hide why losses occur only if, they should be fit clearly into the grid and not due to a general weakness of the Expert Advisors that can identify and correct and I. Currently I think that I am very close to arriving at the end of this testing process and will therefore be the latest version now run much longer. want to have

Kind regards Mike


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