Hallelujah! It's done! Highly Recommended
Finally it has come. 2.5 years training as a clerk for office communication. 29.01.2010 It was time, oral examination and completed.
I must admit it really has not arrived with me. 'm Still feel I must return to school on Monday and on Tuesday back to work. But no, I can finally sleep again.
grumble a bit but I do now still.
The written examination I found now is not too bad. The question, however, was in part "all-in-pig". I really wonder whether these so-called examiners really think before they formulated the questions. Sometimes the question is so vague that a response is impossible to find without predetermined solutions.
thank God, were the most multiple-choice questions (you spell that now big or small? Me Does not matter).
Sometimes the tasks based on then any other tasks, the two sides were before it. Something like that is under normal conditions already confusing, but in an exam situation, it can take us to ever completely out of the concept.
was particularly beautiful part of the business office. They are then so-called unbound duties. That is, write, write and write even more. So it was at least the appearance. So this part has even made me nervous. Since there were questions that could be answered with 3 sets. For the answer we had but about one A4 page. Because then you get really a bit afraid that they wrote just not enough added. Whether it was the intention? I do not know.
To cap it still had two double-page so-called concept paper. No idea why that was there, I have not even needed. And everyone I asked could they start with nothing.
Perhaps it was also only a mischievous joke of Examiners. Then it was a bad joke.
What I personally found was the worst, however, this "un-Christian" time.
At 08:00 clock off we went. I also know my own experience that I definitely early at 08:00 clock, only half of the white, I think white at 12:00 clock, or at least know. This is simply because my brain more need to be awake when the rest of the body. In short, the performance is very limited. And that's not just me. there are scientific studies on this subject, which comes to the same conclusion.
Well, these are also a test situation. I know of very many who have not slept much or little. Some have even slept at all.
Why, then, becomes a date not be set, for example, for 11 or 12 clock? Since the majority is at least well rested and fit. I bet this would be reflected positively on the results. And it should not really be that of the Chamber of Commerce, that as many a good ending to achieve? Well, the Chamber of Commerce sees the apparently different.
to the oral exam, I can say really not much else. Before and after the test I found the study very nice, friendly and courteous. But during the test, I had the feeling that have just turned from Jekyll to Hyde. The task itself was not in itself bad. But then the questions that were partially, so how can I say, crap. The questions were asked so vague and ambiguous that almost every question I did not really know and sometimes could not even guess which answer is now expected. For
Example, said one investigator following:
"Imagine you are in the payroll and must now prepare disbursements What you need."
My first thought was a computer and electricity. I'm not to say that this really is the desired answer, so I drew something from my fingers. I definitely had no idea what response was expected. My answer now is: ".. Um, so first time I need the time sheets so that I can calculate the base salary then I need the tax class and any allowances"
Answer the examiner:
"Yes, that's right, but what else do you need except a computer?"
I shot right back "power" in the head. To me, however, was too banal. When I looked stupid and said only:
"Excuse me, but I do not now what you want out!"
The response of the examiner was:
"Well, what do you need for it yet, not only with electricity and a computer?"
I was still confused and thought now to the keyboard or the operating system. But I was too banal. So again look stupid and ask.
"Well, make the on a piece of paper, calculate everything yourself, or how does the what is available take it?"
Ah, so he says. Internally, I began slowly to boil. Why does not he ask the same right after. Idiot. That was easy. I was friendly, smiled and replied.
"Oh, and you mine. Well, there is, for example, Lexware or Datev!"
response Examiner:
"Yes, exactly what else I wanted to know nothing!"
insanity, he would have to say the same, or?
Well, ultimately, I then passed that.
If so with "Millionaire" would be asked, then probably most would with 0 and only a few € 500 € to go out, but none would make it to the 32,000 Euro question. As I'm sure.
Very well, it's over and now I have peace first. Alleluia.
Maybe I see it all just too tight and I'm just "naturally confused," I sometimes think really.
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