To read the article on the headline or here!
Dear Mr. Fleischhauer,
I regret to inform you that your article is flawed in several respects.
compare Mr Westerwelle with Claudia Roth and Oscar Lafontaine.
The first error of this is that none of the two occupied a ministerial post. In addition, Mr. Westerwelle is not just any minister, but our Foreign Minister and thus Vice-Chancellor.
And he is perceived abroad not just good, but now you can not deny the best of intentions. Or does it?
brings me now to the second error of your design. It was not really expected otherwise, but you write your article as if the Left alone in the bad Image of Mr. Westerwelle would be responsible. I would appreciate honest about it, unfortunately, is not so. This poor public image
is not a work of the Left all alone but that of the Vice-Chancellor himself. Failure to comply with its election promises, his sometimes embarrassing performances, which even Lothar Matthäus, with its terrible English, could hardly have been worse complete, all that and much more screwed-up led to his public image.
And his "Oh-so-surprising" outing as a homosexual is rather embarrassing and had to lead to ridicule. In the gay world and beyond, knew almost something many years ago that is a sister-wave "Guido Westerwelle halt. This would even to his advantage, at least in the "gay world" result, can only open his consistent refusal to come out himself and the public denial or non-reaction progressed, up to ridicule. You could not just take him seriously.
he had to move after Mr. Wowereit's outing also known, it would certainly have been laughed at, but mainly it would be accepted and welcomed been positive. But to abuse his outing to a show act that just can not lead to consideration. This is just embarrassing.
And we also castigated or no martial law shot simply because he titled someone as DIVA, or sister. Especially for the non-Left. And I speak from personal experience. I myself am a "sister" and I find it rather funny when friends, acquaintances, colleagues or even strangers approach me Sun A bit of irony is very healthy and would be a good Guido.
Enough about homosexuality, since we can argue like one other time about it. I would now like to get to your third mistake.
write in your article, I quote:
"It could still find other examples of elected officials at whose performances you could easily take offense Who. to do a bit more detail with Oskar Lafontaine, who can he not take his publicly expressed concern for the less privileged really. strengthen "
an" interesting proposition ", which perhaps would even have your theories could. Unfortunately, you can not deign more precise reference. This leads to the conclusion, say that you do not know what you and / or have no proof of your statement.
I think it is pure polemic. to discredit the banal attempt someone to give you my opinion at least as is. He did so at Anne Will proved sufficient. Is not it?
If you want to have support Guido Westerwelle then you speak to your whole population and not just part. And all still supported by facts, is definitely effective.
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