Monday, January 31, 2011

Why Is My Throat Hurting

Trades - January 2011

To date, the results of DT_BundPP system very well. Unfortunately, there were now two ugly scenes in the trade. Even a full initial stop and the other was also the newly installed reverse signal terminated at a loss. The trades I've already posted at Facebook .

Overall, I am using the system in January but still in positive territory:

January 2011 Trades winner losers percent winners profit loss monthly gain

profit factor

DT_OpenRange 15 5 10 33.33% $ 1,325.00 - $ 2,810.00 - $ 1,484.00

DT_BundPP 17 11 6 64.71% $ 2,909.06 - $ 2,702.00 $ 207.06


The second strategy DT_OpenRange gave a negative result in January. Now this is planned and in the back so test occurred. It remains to be seen how this strategy is being developed and which have reached drawdown.

Otherwise, I'm writing a week sick and I will only observe some of the markets and work up some movies / series.

Best wishes and continued good trades
D arthTrader

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Suction Cups For Cold Windows

Small update


During the last week, I'm right where gas is the new version of the Expert Advisors to finish and test. So a fix is a lot of work, beginning with the Expert Advisor himself, through testing, to preparing the update to the site and to customize the manual for the English manual I got, fortunately, by using OLE.)

While the tests last week, I had had up to 6 open trades all of a profit 50-200 pips on the meter. That's really fun and so would I also want as soon as possible Unleashed FX-II is released.

As announced, I raise the price of the Expert Advisors by early February and then customize the site.

I wish you all a pleasant evening and a good start into the new week.

Kind regards Mike

Bearded Dragon With Red Spot

Abandoned, betrayed and sold. His apprentice in Germany is not easy!

I have written so in the previous post a bit about my test. There is no issue there, however, that burns me since the start of training under the nails.

In 2008 I finally met the decision. I need an education. Now 28, without qualifications, it goes further! That I had thought so. I wanted to get an education much earlier, but I had never married. I thought I'm too old, too long out of school, I can do it anyway. And then there was also the love of money.

I have finally an apartment to feed two cats and now and then I would have been like something to eat in the refrigerator. At the time, but I was just unemployed and received ALG I and ALG II First I tried the office to get retraining. This could, however, simply do not decide who was responsible. It dragged on indefinitely. So I decided to try it nevertheless views the free market.

I was already clear that the mere training pay is definitely not enough. But there are supportive ALG II increase. In fact, me the employment office and the Job Center lies in this belief, and so I applied. Pretty fast I was invited to discuss and ultimately adopted.

I signed the contract and requested the support ALG II Amazingly, and rather quickly, I received the notice that an increase was not possible. If it were in my case is an initial training and so I would not be entitled to apply for ALG II, but needed training aid (BAB).

Okay, I thought I could have but to say earlier, but which side I now get the money I do not really care total.

So I applied for BAB at the employment office. This was promptly granted. However, it reached the front and back and not far below the ALG II-set. On request from the Job Centre, I was just informed that it lacks jurisdiction.

I scoured the internet and found no solution. Housing allowance, which could possibly still work. Applied for and received rejection. The reasoning was that I have BAB recipients are not entitled to housing benefit.

There I was. I received a training allowance in the amount of € 500 gross in the first year.

So I had about 217 427 € net plus € BAB. This results in the aggregate a sum of 644 €.

The ALG II, including rent, etc. would have been about 744 €. There is therefore almost 100 € in cash were missing. This I had to compensate somehow. The only question is how. Moreover, I had now no longer eligible on the social ticket for 33? Euro, but had to buy a monthly ticket for trainees. However, this cost 52 euro. That is, 20 € more. Working materials for the school I also had to pay € 644 of these.

particularly "stupid" is the highway from the calculation that it is generally for 18 months is calculated. Reality is that the training content year is raised. The content development look something like this.

first Year: 427 € + 217 € = 644 €
second Year / first half of 462 € + 217 € = 679 €

subsequent application ; new BAB = 165 Euro

second Year / second half of 462 € + 165 € = 627 €
third Year / first half of 477 € + 165 € = 642 €

Finally, I had 642 euros. Of which then had to rent, electricity, gas, telephone and ticket is to be paid. A total of about 460 € without study materials for the school.

Does this mean I had about 182 euros a month. Of this I also had to have the surgery fee pay 10 € / quarter and co-payments for drugs. The special payment limits for ALG II recipients were not with me unfortunately. My attempts to find a second job failed, because I was too inflexible.

Unfortunately, I had great luck in disguise. Unfortunately, one of the most important person in my life died. He had left me some money. So I could at least for a time, covering my living with it. Unfortunately, not enough money by the end of training. As a result, are unfortunately a huge debt.

I know now by some, it was the same as me. Many even so his training has been canceled.

Now cross our government, our policies again and again, there are too few staff, too few training places or too many crashes or, or, or. Then, any training packages closed and so then everything should be good.

This is unfortunately not the case. The trainees are not considered in this equation. What good is an education if I can not even fill the fridge?

I therefore urge the policy of a complete redesign in support of training and trainees. The highway in its present form be abolished. The very basis of calculation is illogical. There is no reason for calculated to 18 months. A calculation for 12 months is appropriate as the training allowance to be raised each year eventually. A complete abolition seems more reasonable.

should also be established by law that an apprentice at least the ALG II - has set including limits on additional earnings are available. If a company is not able to afford that, then is the difference in the form of an increase by the competent authorities ALG II are made. In order to obtain

good, qualified workers, we need good training conditions.

An apprentice may be no need to worry about how long his money still enough. He has to concentrate on his training can. With a good financial base, they learn to be better and more sustainable.

And now you too. What do you think? Write me your experiences and your opinions!

Which Is The Best Labello

Hallelujah! It's done! Highly Recommended

Finally it has come. 2.5 years training as a clerk for office communication. 29.01.2010 It was time, oral examination and completed.

I must admit it really has not arrived with me. 'm Still feel I must return to school on Monday and on Tuesday back to work. But no, I can finally sleep again.

grumble a bit but I do now still.

The written examination I found now is not too bad. The question, however, was in part "all-in-pig". I really wonder whether these so-called examiners really think before they formulated the questions. Sometimes the question is so vague that a response is impossible to find without predetermined solutions.
thank God, were the most multiple-choice questions (you spell that now big or small? Me Does not matter).

Sometimes the tasks based on then any other tasks, the two sides were before it. Something like that is under normal conditions already confusing, but in an exam situation, it can take us to ever completely out of the concept.

was particularly beautiful part of the business office. They are then so-called unbound duties. That is, write, write and write even more. So it was at least the appearance. So this part has even made me nervous. Since there were questions that could be answered with 3 sets. For the answer we had but about one A4 page. Because then you get really a bit afraid that they wrote just not enough added. Whether it was the intention? I do not know.

To cap it still had two double-page so-called concept paper. No idea why that was there, I have not even needed. And everyone I asked could they start with nothing.

Perhaps it was also only a mischievous joke of Examiners. Then it was a bad joke.

What I personally found was the worst, however, this "un-Christian" time.

At 08:00 clock off we went. I also know my own experience that I definitely early at 08:00 clock, only half of the white, I think white at 12:00 clock, or at least know. This is simply because my brain more need to be awake when the rest of the body. In short, the performance is very limited. And that's not just me. there are scientific studies on this subject, which comes to the same conclusion.

Well, these are also a test situation. I know of very many who have not slept much or little. Some have even slept at all.

Why, then, becomes a date not be set, for example, for 11 or 12 clock? Since the majority is at least well rested and fit. I bet this would be reflected positively on the results. And it should not really be that of the Chamber of Commerce, that as many a good ending to achieve? Well, the Chamber of Commerce sees the apparently different.

to the oral exam, I can say really not much else. Before and after the test I found the study very nice, friendly and courteous. But during the test, I had the feeling that have just turned from Jekyll to Hyde. The task itself was not in itself bad. But then the questions that were partially, so how can I say, crap. The questions were asked so vague and ambiguous that almost every question I did not really know and sometimes could not even guess which answer is now expected. For

Example, said one investigator following:

"Imagine you are in the payroll and must now prepare disbursements What you need."

My first thought was a computer and electricity. I'm not to say that this really is the desired answer, so I drew something from my fingers. I definitely had no idea what response was expected. My answer now is: ".. Um, so first time I need the time sheets so that I can calculate the base salary then I need the tax class and any allowances"

Answer the examiner:

"Yes, that's right, but what else do you need except a computer?"

I shot right back "power" in the head. To me, however, was too banal. When I looked stupid and said only:

"Excuse me, but I do not now what you want out!"

The response of the examiner was:

"Well, what do you need for it yet, not only with electricity and a computer?"

I was still confused and thought now to the keyboard or the operating system. But I was too banal. So again look stupid and ask.


"Well, make the on a piece of paper, calculate everything yourself, or how does the what is available take it?"

Ah, so he says. Internally, I began slowly to boil. Why does not he ask the same right after. Idiot. That was easy. I was friendly, smiled and replied.

"Oh, and you mine. Well, there is, for example, Lexware or Datev!"

response Examiner:

"Yes, exactly what else I wanted to know nothing!"

insanity, he would have to say the same, or?

Well, ultimately, I then passed that.

If so with "Millionaire" would be asked, then probably most would with 0 and only a few € 500 € to go out, but none would make it to the 32,000 Euro question. As I'm sure.

Very well, it's over and now I have peace first. Alleluia.

Maybe I see it all just too tight and I'm just "naturally confused," I sometimes think really.

What's YOUR opinion that?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Windows Messenger Names Keep Changing

: open rebellion in 2030 the boys

I'm really absolutely not a fan of German movies. But this movie I can recommend with a clear conscience.

this way to the film
A film to think about.

2030 uprising of the boys from the ZDF is a fictional documentary from 2030. The rule of capital is in full swing.

The government has surrendered more or less. Health insurance is becoming ever more the character of a private health insurance. Two-class medicine is no longer just a word.
seriously injured were rejected by the hospitals because they do not have the right tariff and the costs are not covered. The so-called base fare covers only a small fraction of the cost. Only a few urban clinics take on anyone. This leads to losses of millions a year. As a result, the patients lie on a bar in the hallway and wait, even critically injured, 1.5 h or longer for treatment.

A statutory pension system no longer exists as well. Anyone who wishes to receive pension later times, must like it or not private insurance. The costs are enormous. The gap between rich and poor is greater than ever. More and more people slip into poverty.

in Berlin's Schöneberg district, which now only hell is still known as the Mountain, has developed a kind of slum. A state within a state.

It is an oppressive, dark future which is shown here.

The story of Tim Burdensky, a millennium baby and one of the stars of the documentary "Millennium Children" leads the viewer through the end-time Berlin.

financially in the end, he tried to chop the state's high-security network. Meanwhile, however, all monitored Internet access and a SWAT unit shortly after it tried to provide. He manages to escape but is shot twice and ends up in an urban hospital. Here he waits seriously injured over 1.5 h hours on his treatment. A nurse takes the work, and then let him die.

A friend who also wants to Millennium Children, but not to his death believe and follow the reporter Lena Bach even the smallest trace.

Tim still alive? And if so, why he faked his death? I will not give away. But you have to watch you already own.

My conclusion to the movie:

He scared me!

The film is an impressive and scary what could happen in Germany if not fundamentally change anything.

I hope that many have seen this movie and still be seen. For all who would like to see him simply click .

I'll have fun

Sweater Vest Untucked Shirt

Manual translation German - English


Has anyone of you desire to translate the new German manual into English? It would of course be someone of good English can. I am so far made good progress with the adjustments on the Expert Advisor and have now adapted nor German Manual. Now my thirst but has just logged off:) As compensation practices were

once it Unleashed FX 2.0 for release date updates. Anyone interested can feel free to contact by e-mail shortly. I would give him / her then send the German manual for translation.

Kind regards Mike

Monday, January 24, 2011

Kidney Regain Function


wish HARTZ IV - inhumanity with system?

are constantly there any new news on absurd and unfair practices, the job centers, and consortiums and the rest of them. But this tops everything here.

recently a case was known, as were a pregnant woman benefits reduced to zero, because they refused
to connect a 1-Euro-Job. Apparently there would be "a public interest", the competent job center.

I'm sure the public was not consulted on this! So what interest?

Something like that is just a mess to say the least and in my opinion is a criminal offense.

Not only here that human dignity is violated, what, I think, in all of these sanctions is the case, no, to unborn life is also not taken into consideration. This is to protect the unborn life of one of our most important rights and obligations.

have not only a duty of care such as employers, but also, and in particular, especially the Job Center, etc. And this duty was violated and hurt.

If this were an isolated case, one might even call it a mistake, but appears to have the system. Across the country, more than 5,500 known cases has been taken in which similar or identical.

I wonder what kind of people who make such decisions? There are but also mothers and fathers who work at this job centers. But where is it all the same? Degree which would have but the alarm bells resound in the ears. But nothing, the decision is made and then to the future mother to see how it comes clear. Thus, a cold feeling saddened and angry to the same.

All this just shows the system does not HARTZ IV is functional, over-bureaucratic and oppressive-respecting and must be abolished. We need finally (again) a system that is based on solidarity, compassion and charity.

encourage and challenge is good, but it should not be the point of cruelty.

Therefore: "Down with Hartz IV"

I'm for it and YOU? Click

Motorbike Cake Moulds

letter to Jan Fleischhauer to his column, "Westerwelle - a counter-cyclical defense

To read the article on the headline or here!

Dear Mr. Fleischhauer,

I regret to inform you that your article is flawed in several respects.

compare Mr Westerwelle with Claudia Roth and Oscar Lafontaine.

The first error of this is that none of the two occupied a ministerial post. In addition, Mr. Westerwelle is not just any minister, but our Foreign Minister and thus Vice-Chancellor.

And he is perceived abroad not just good, but now you can not deny the best of intentions. Or does it?

brings me now to the second error of your design. It was not really expected otherwise, but you write your article as if the Left alone in the bad Image of Mr. Westerwelle would be responsible. I would appreciate honest about it, unfortunately, is not so. This poor public image

is not a work of the Left all alone but that of the Vice-Chancellor himself. Failure to comply with its election promises, his sometimes embarrassing performances, which even Lothar Matthäus, with its terrible English, could hardly have been worse complete, all that and much more screwed-up led to his public image.

And his "Oh-so-surprising" outing as a homosexual is rather embarrassing and had to lead to ridicule. In the gay world and beyond, knew almost something many years ago that is a sister-wave "Guido Westerwelle halt. This would even to his advantage, at least in the "gay world" result, can only open his consistent refusal to come out himself and the public denial or non-reaction progressed, up to ridicule. You could not just take him seriously.

he had to move after Mr. Wowereit's outing also known, it would certainly have been laughed at, but mainly it would be accepted and welcomed been positive. But to abuse his outing to a show act that just can not lead to consideration. This is just embarrassing.

And we also castigated or no martial law shot simply because he titled someone as DIVA, or sister. Especially for the non-Left. And I speak from personal experience. I myself am a "sister" and I find it rather funny when friends, acquaintances, colleagues or even strangers approach me Sun A bit of irony is very healthy and would be a good Guido.

Enough about homosexuality, since we can argue like one other time about it. I would now like to get to your third mistake.

write in your article, I quote:

"It could still find other examples of elected officials at whose performances you could easily take offense Who. to do a bit more detail with Oskar Lafontaine, who can he not take his publicly expressed concern for the less privileged really. strengthen "

an" interesting proposition ", which perhaps would even have your theories could. Unfortunately, you can not deign more precise reference. This leads to the conclusion, say that you do not know what you and / or have no proof of your statement.

I think it is pure polemic. to discredit the banal attempt someone to give you my opinion at least as is. He did so at Anne Will proved sufficient. Is not it?

If you want to have support Guido Westerwelle then you speak to your whole population and not just part. And all still supported by facts, is definitely effective.



Sunday, January 23, 2011

Large Lumpon Gum With Pus Inside

FX-Unleashed - Stand & plans


After FX Unleashed is now running for some time in two variants on the VPS, it's time for me to take a first résumé. Basically we can say that the Expert Advisor works and runs. Still, he has clear weaknesses and met my expectations adequately.

I have done so in the past week as I thought the existing weaknesses of the Expert Advisors get a grip. After several tests and analysis of all the trades I've come to the conclusion that the following must be changed:

Of the four strategies we change to a strategy that allows trades of several hundred pips and has three different entrances. This enables us to keep the strategy clearly and act this strategy perfectly.

We go from 1-hour chart to the 4-hour chart because the signals are here a lot better and clearer. The potential of these trades is sometimes powerful and allow us great take-profit at a reasonable stop-loss values.

Some indicators disappear from the repertoire. Added to all come for the strategy needed and improved indicators.

All these changes I pack in an update to FX 2.0 Unleashed which all buyers will receive free of charge. the current version 1.34 is running flawlessly so far and can of course like to keep from everyone and can be optimized and modified freely.

Initial tests on my VPS are already underway. Nevertheless, I will release it Unleashed FX 2.0 only if the Expert Advisor contains no errors, there are solid results and the manual was rewritten. This is to protect you from a bug fix and update flood and bring a little more professionalism in the matter.

More information to follow soon. All I can say to this day, is that FX 2.0 Unleashed is the screamer

;-) Kind regards Mike

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Steelseal Vs Thermagasket

For me, no Pro

Hello dear readers,
I greet you in 2011. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a reasonable New Year's Eve party. Probably not even remember ;-)

In January, some of which I was so far not busy. In any case, what poker is concerned. In real life I have to do with the first exam preparations and also still a reasonable time job (not deliver pizza:-P) was adopted.

right to play poker professionally nothing really seems to me to be. I make too much theory and playing well I will get bored, so I casually surfing the Internet or watching TV. With the attitude I would be best for Everest Poker repealed ;-)
is perhaps the better still, but right now I do not see that I can do with the continued, serious poker extra income. There is simply
me motivated. I had fun lately not play poker, but rather was a compulsory task become. Either a bonus to play, to create a certain number of hands a month etc.

beginning of the month I wanted to try something new again and so I tested at Rush Poker PLO25. Here the first sober record:
the end, I'm also pretty tilted. The Swings in Omaha are already not without, but what's going on Rush in no time is not normal. I consider myself a much better than the average Rush PLO25 players, but the variance in the swing beat, unfortunately, negative effect on my game again. Rakeback at Full Tilt is also very bad because I can equal at Titan Poker Germany ( Titan Poker Bonus Code ) play. If you normally spoiled by good rakeback deals, you will be disappointed by the FT pay pretty.

Well the chapter is Rush Poker died for myself first, I will again exceed your cell phone Mobile Poker Rush. In the near future I will again focus on iPoker. Since there are enough bad players and much better Rakeback .

you my new mobile phones (HTC Desire HD), I can now go to look for example in the web and in sports, half-way reasonable coaching videos. So I can improve my game on and so reduce the larger Edge and the variance. To play, I will not come in the near future because of the first exam period too.

love it greets the recreational player Niels ;-)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Reit , India, Reserve Bank

Facebook and so ...

... As you might have seen already, a new link direction Facebook is added. Sorry, without this great Facebook pictures that I blog here in the restricted mode can not embed so easy.

background is that I would like to post more timely trades, to avoid the performance of the system more closely monitored can. In order not zuzumüllen the blog so that the signals on Facebook will be uploaded as images and short comments.

For each strategy there will be a photo album, the trades are always posted on the date on which they are well run (if I hold on that frequency). If not, I can not think of something else to quickly do the results made known :-)

Best regards
darth trader

Sunday, January 16, 2011

External Temperature Sensor On A 52 Mondeo?

trending of indicators


The last days I've always thought made for trend determination by means of indicators. As I try to ProFX system to automate as much as possible, it is absolutely necessary to determine the trend in the 4-hour chart as reliably as possible.

But until now I had used three indicators of John Ehlers, who work very well. As one would be the Laguerre filters, the Instantaneous Trendline and the Leading Indicator. To the chart be kept free of lines, I rewrote these three indicators in histograms.

Although currently the leading Indicator produces very little lag, there are situations that's where all three of these indicators or another healthy trend, although it no longer exists. This happens especially after long candles, followed by a correction.

I've written about two other indicators, which should resolve this problem. One indicator is directly related to each new bar, and has therefore no Lag The second indicator calculates the strength of the two currency pairs and is based on an RSI over all pairs involving either one or the other currency.

on the inserted picture you can see an example of the current 4-hour charts. The last two indicators are written by me. The area at issue, I have something highlighted.

As you can see we have after the long candle on the left side of the highlighted area, a correction in prices in the first one had better not open long position more. The three top indicators need three bars to the falling prices seen. the second-lowest indicator recognizes this as early as the first bar and in the lowest indicator we see that the strength of the GBP (white line), not markedly falls, the U.S. dollar (blue line) but increasing in strength.

On the right side of the chart, we see what happens as compared with the price, if the strength of the USD again significantly decreases and falls below the 50 mark, while the strength of GBP virtually unchanged moved. I

these two indicators will probably still fit into my strategy and even see if it pays off.

Kind regards Mike

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pattycake Member Access Hacks

What's New?


Since the beginning of the new year I'm pretty professional clamped. This causes that I find little time to act and to concern myself with the market.

Fortunately, the performance of FX-Unleashed developed with the return of volatility at the time relatively well. I will raise the price of the Expert Advisors end of this month as promised. So if you still would like a copy ... ;-)

In the last two weeks I've sown in the somewhat sparse free time made the idea of joint action of the ProFX system. Since this system with the assessment of overall trends stand or fall, I have to test this matter a lot.

A statistic of an automated version I have now involved in MyFxBook . However, since it is a manual system explicitly, I expect them not too much.

That's it for me even from the moment.

Kind regards Mike

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Lonely Soul Poem An African Poetry

Nice ... but ...

I am again I fell for the so-called missing wheel, so that the performance of the breakout system represented quite interesting:

Very impressive, I think, but to question it critically. The time frame of the system is M5 and here again beat all the pitfalls of NT in the back to test simultaneously.

Many trades look wonderful and run for several bars, that is longer than 5 minutes. Other trades again begun within the first 5 minutes after the trade was entered directly into the stop loss or profit target in the pure ....

... hmmm .... that should give us food for thought. This is to SameBarExits in the live trading can lead to bad consequences. Back in the test, I have only 4 values, Open, High, Low, Close Chart and also only in 5 minutes. How am I supposed to know which value of 5 minutes bars was the first to reach .... the high of the bar or the low of the bar ... exactly ... first you can not not ...

After I once again tried to come up with a multi-time frame strategy in more detail the possible error, were (of course) other errors or inconsistencies. The calculated rank did problems at once, the ATR-exits, and many others caused quite ugly code and quite ugly, not partly understandable, results.

have Ultimately I solved it in the simple manner and easy to count the SameBarExits. The output after the baking test looks for example like this:

DT_OpenRange_20 - CL 02-11 - Exits on the same bar: 143/253 (56.52%)
DT_OpenRange_20 - CL 02-11 - which winners ;: 140/143 (97.9%)
DT_OpenRange_20 - CL 02-11 - Of Losers : 3 / 143 (2.1%)

Results: It was even worse than feared. Almost 50% of trades were SameBarExits and almost all of them as late winner ... that means ... this should be checked manually, resulting in a horrendous and for me not worth time.

way out of this situation is for me to put the profit target is correspondingly higher, so that the exits on the same bar on acceptable 10% - 15% decline. Only then, can I trust the strategy in live trading.

Best regards
darth trader

Friday, January 7, 2011

Public Sperm Sharking

New Strategy - DT_OpenRange_2.0

Recently I make it my task to replicate successful strategies. Everything you find on the net for information on a system can be used here. Interestingly, the whole thing if the yield curve and the profit similar to those having the present system can.

Since normally the source code for a system is not publicly available, a program can never be 100 % ig be copied. By evidence, such as trades and their comments, it is however, possible to take the idea of the underlying system basically.

This happened with a system which I found by chance on the net:

It This is a breakout system shortly after market opening in the CL. 2010 this system was very successful, however, had in November last year, a drawdown phase. As a consequence in an alternative way of trading, in addition to the breakout from the range, also created a Bungee possibility.

systems of this type have always fascinated me. Besides the simplicity of the rules here but usually the correct timing in the right market, at the selected time period and the size of the range of their importance. It follows that intensive testing is indispensable and of failing to follow quickly from profit to loss systems again.

early 2010 I had already programmed a range breakout system, but it could not use effective. Using the information of the price range traders, I was now possible, however, at least in the CL to provide a functioning system currently on the legs.

The individual trades of the original system can be found on the associated Facebook page (link to the URL above) look. With this information I was able to recreate the system is about.

The yield curve is somewhat different, the parameters are somewhat different or complementary, but fundamentally, the trade to 80% - running 90% as it also in the more than 70 example trades of the case is. I am very curious how they work, the use of the system on the demo account and trade in live is and when the productive phase in the CL, which we currently have no doubt, will be over.

Moreover, I was writing with NinjaTrader 7 to be this kind of system, as there is the possibility of an 'unmanaged' - order approach to work. Only this, I can trade breakouts effectively and bring BuyStop and sell stop orders at the same time in the market. However, the order will be handling this case entirely taken over manually, which leads to an increased effort during the programming and testing.

Best regards
darth trader

addendum to the first live trade today on 7/1/2011 ... Strategy seems to work together :-)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Preseed Lubricants Malaysia

Trades - December 2010 Merry Christmas

Hello and a happy New Year.

I hope you all partied hard and put a little distance from trading. Every now and then is to switch off from day to day business (no matter whether primary or secondary occupation) is recommended always to be durchzustarten after the short break back in full.

The trades in December were not as successful verification, as in the previous month and it was driving a small loss. Is interesting here is that two losing trades are only used with a tick in the stop loss. Otherwise it would have been winners and the performance would look more kindly:

Let's see what the January with the DT_BundPP - strategy brings and how the markets change the beginning of the year ... or not.

A brief conclusion yet at this point to 2010: Unfortunately I was about half a year not to program possible and to develop strategies, as I was healthy bit battered and I with my soon wife to a new house I moved.

in 2011, this otherwise I will certainly try to attack again :-) It will be added more strategies and I will try to complete more successful trades. Current topics I deal with in this environment is currently ...
  • JForex (Java API Dukascopy, for fully automated trading systems)
  • Collective2 (marketplace strategy provider)

In this sense, all the best for 2011 and good trades

your darth trader