Tjop yesterday we went off for me. In wise anticipation in the hotel room to come down or drink a beer. The transfer from hotel to the casino is actually paid, but I've at least taken the footpath on the way out to catch a little fresh air. I then quite arrived there on time and have taken my seat.
20k starting chip stack, and as expected the number of participants was quite tough. Many Scandinavians and of course a large proportion of Russians, etc. In any event, since everyone already knew what he was doing so. Fish has the usual one can not really make up. At least I at my table not. Normally it is said that you then own the Fish needs to be. So wrong it's certainly not been measured because of live experience was the people I advance safer. My day was pretty exciting because I was between time ever fallen apart. However, I have finally survived the day after all. I try to reconstruct still, what were the crucial points.
So at first I was already directly playable hands. Wanted to do some action. The 1st Hand had pocket 5s and I get one caller. OESD flop and opponent folded to C-bet. Puh first pot ever won. Nevertheless, I notice that I hardly get a word out when I want to raise announcieren. My hands shake well. So I decide to order another beer. It will follow a few:) Well a short time later, I raise 68s and get another caller. Hitte right back with my top pair sixth I lied of course and get a call. Turn comes an Ace and decide against a 2nd barrel. He checks behind and the river comes another ass. I told him decide to give the opportunity to bluff, and I'm not sure if he could have an ace. It embeds and finally I put my plan into action and make the call. However, he has AK and I'm beat. So the first losing hand in the tournament would be identified thus. However, it was interesting that he raise the BU against my CO has only get called.
Well I think a few laps later, then really in the hands of AA. Relatively early position and I raise again. A very solid player until then I called and the flop is very fitting with 225th I embed the flop and check then the turn induce a bluff. But he checks behind, so I put a decent value bet on the river again, which will get called. He ultimately had 56 full house, there on the river nor walked in 6th So I win the pot and get a Nice hand. Later, in one of the breaks I had yet to talk to him because he was for me the strongest player at the table, but had quite a bad luck (keep to 2 fold JJ preflop, QQ and AK, but he had quads made). Then he said he still would only get called me because I was already quite active before. So you see what image represents Sun He still had meant to have not bluffing when he had taken nothing (sorry:)).
Well then it ran after that hand rather badly for me. Most Stealraises + CBET I lost. And it was just not around. I was also herausgeblufft from one source. I called the supposedly identified as a rather bad player raise my KQo. Flop comes J high and I place a CBET, which is get called. I get a Queen turn and decide to check behind the pot not to make too great. River, a smaller map, he checks and I bette value. He thinks for a long time and then reraised me. I wonder too, and realize only now that a possible flush draw has arrived. As he told me just more bad happens, I wonder if he just bluffed, because I've shown weakness on the turn. Nevertheless, I decide that it was played by me stupid because I would have the river just behind the check can take it if I had noticed that there is another right heart. Anyway, he shows me with pocket 9s his bluff. Yes very annoying for me, but errors are just punished. Slowly, I also feel the effect of beer. Although I am not as excited, but also attention diminishes.
Another error that has me quite excited: I think KQs'm relatively short with an M of 7 and a solid player raised. Since I have position on him I called. However, I see that before me an even keeps his cards. My call is then set and the player goes all in. For me it is a clear fold, since it is very solid as well. In the end the right decision because I had been beat, but I've just 1k important verballert chips unnecessarily. The error was then even small effects. For a few hands later I was all in with QQ against AQo. Although the flop came ace, but simultaneously also the Queen, which I was very relieved. Double up, it was called then, would of course 2000 chips can be more. Nevertheless, it was like the turning point. With a wavering M 9-12 am limited my game from now on only 3-raiser on stealraises and betpushes against CO and BU.
were now only one other and I stayed by the initial constellation left. The others are either busted or have been placed at a different table. In any case, then probably 2 German sitting next to me. As far as I've noticed that, they have not identified myself as a German and I was able to listen in now and what they had spoken. They seemed to know anyway. Specifically against the 2 I then played my pushes. They gave me quite a lot of credit and I also knew that a large range will have. I was also lucky with the timing. It all went well, once he had even KQo gemucked. However, a good fold, I held AQ, but I'm glad it's not purely gone. Thus I was able to play high slowly back to the 20k limit. So I was now back at the start and almost half of the Averagestack. Nevertheless, a facilitating business but because, of course, what had come to survive the day.
was finally resolved our table then, at my new table was waiting for me again a very solid table, I should note later. A big chip leader I could make directly. He had just under 140k chips. A short time later, it should only be time his 30k chips, go as fast as possible. The first chips he lost it directly to me. I think after a short time Queens in middle position. Raise and get 2 callers. Said big stack is in the small blind about it again. For me, the NEN clear move by the many chips, but since I had the right cards, it was not a difficult decision either way. So I push all in with just under 20 k and he says he has the call. I have it not be recalculated exactly, but he certainly can still fold. Anyway, he says "i have 4 high, is that good?". By me only a dry "i do not think so" and turn against his ladies to 42s. He can not improve and I double for the 2 times a day. Easy money I would say. With him, I found myself short time later, again in one hand and this time I had a difficult decision. I raise 97s in the CO and I get called by him. Flop comes J high flush draw and for me. Clear C-bet against his check, which will get called. Turn then a gut for me. Here I'm probably a mistake, because I think after a moment to tend to check behind. Another bet here would have probably led to the Potwin, but I would have had a tough decision to make a push. In any case, is a 9 on the river for a Midpair for me. He makes a hard move and puts me all in. directly in the pot may be so 10k chips when is high. I get a oddscall certainly not so. I'm pretty sure the front to lie with my 9 because the game is not very much sense, unless he has picked up a comic straight. Again, I think he only used his big stack herumzusplashen something. Nevertheless, I decide to stack my now almost no average for risking such a hand and fold. He allowed one of the 2 tickets to watch, I pick one out and see a 5th So either really funny or just straight total air, which probably was for me. Well I finally threw some point regardless, because I really do not want to risk my tournament with that hand.
Slowly we went on to the final round. My game was pretty tight, I had now really almost average and really wanted to come in day 2. Accordingly, I also wanted to engage in any more stupid hands. After some time I could calm a form from the BB call with ATo. I had just under 5k or so nachzulegen. So in fact any two calling. He had been only k5 and I win again quite simply a great pot a tough situation that still when I think 9er in CO, raise and comes a Allin by BU. I got it covered though, would be pretty crippled if I lose. I wonder for a while and fold it, because again I have no desire to risk my tournament with a flip. At home with an MTT I would surely get called. His range here is usually quite large, but I'm usually a flip, often 30% or Ax I'm really beat. The last 30 minutes I'm hoping to get it just bad cards. After 11 hours of poker you have the nose full of slow and will not bust yet. So it happened then, always 37o or something and usually raiser was before I did. So I could fold reassured. Then said the floorman the last 2 hands. The first trash can I get back in UTG +1 and can fold with joy. So only a hand between me and second day is What will I get under the gun? AKo course, but it's no good and I have said for a long time once again to a raise. The former chip leader called me again. Meanwhile, he has also recovered slightly and stands at just under 60k chips. I really want to risk not much in the last hand. Hitte then my Ace and decide to play me soft, because its range is quite large. Check also flop and turn to keep the pot small. River I use but still a value bet, as he has in past get called quite a lot. He also called this time and as I show insta mucked AK. So finally made it. 1. Day lives! Relieved, I count my chips and pack them into bags distributed. 53.900 chips it ultimately. The average is at the end so with 60k. A relatively good starting position for tomorrow, one would think. The blinds are now arrived at 800/1600 and Ante 200. This blind level is still played 45 minutes. My M is just marginally at 13 I have so much room, but it is with some Sun The chip leader from day B had 300k. The A "only" 150k. So it looks really not that bad as it may seem. Nevertheless, the 2 Day his course ended at any time. I hope that I will with some small pots I can fight forward. Stay tuned:)
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