Friday, December 24, 2010
Free Kates Playground Accoutn
all readers of this blog, I wish all the best for Christmas and a Happy
in 2011. Furthermore
good trades ...
Best regards
darth trader
Access Lg Viewty Phone Memory
is now the year 2010 almost over and we start to 2011th
I would like to thank you and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
May the pips be with us in the new year!
Best regards
סריאלים ל Fsx
Hello readers, I
you all a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May your wishes come true. Of course you should also be appeased Poker God ;-)
I have in the last week Unfortunately, very little play. For that I see all the gifts together :-)
The month so far pretty good. Runne even EV and a rakeback payment is made also. Here the whole thing as Image:

Otherwise, I have been playing yesterday with my own Christmas present purchased, a HTC Desire HD. Did it even get a cheap T-Mobile Business Agreement. Whoever has interest may be liked to contact me. However, the offer expires the end of the year, so hurry.
We listen again in 2011, it does well.
your Niels
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Other Pci Bridge Device Driver Amd
After the third and fourth strategy review although no big loss, but also no big gains, I have made my search for new approaches to these two trend-following strategies for success to . bring I found what I am now finally in the book "Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures by John F. Ehlers.
After I already use to calculate the dominant cycle, it made sense to also use adaptive indicators that have been written on the basis of that. So I have three more on the functionality of these indicators expanded.
emerges has the version 1.30 which now also running on the VPS. I'm aware of the previous test was not cleared to see how the new version behaves towards the old version.
The next step I will then take profit calculated to improve a better risk to reward ratio to obtain. First, I want now, however, the trades of FX-Unleashed 1:30 analyze an excellent foundation to preserve for further adjustments.
Instead of the current VPS I've bought a small computer on which the test is running now. This computer is much faster than the VPS and I have the restarts, etc. under better control.
Best regards
ps: I think we will soon need a forum here:)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Examples Of Pre Cana Letters
Anyone who would like to make a more accurate picture of the trades, which can feel free to log onto the account at the matter again to look at:
Username: 1,789,211
Password: ida5mai
Kind regards Mike
Bonjela For Mouth Abcess
Today I had a little more time than expected, this morning rather little. :) So there are already Unleashed FX to buy from today. In case you're planning this Expert Advisor site address, then please read again by calmly the manual and the website. If you have questions, then please ask before you are spending the money. I can transfer the money back via refund, but this is not the intention. FX-Unleashed you will not run away. If you are uncertain, continue to monitor the performance and waits for something. If ye FX-Unleashed want to be happy, but down the money for it simply can not afford, then get in touch with me, maybe we'll find a solution together.
Kind regards Mike
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Misty Mundae Hardcorfe
How did you noticed, there is a new version and thus a new test. I want to explain why this so I handled so that no misunderstandings.
The development of Expert Advisors is a process. Each test shows the weaknesses and strengths of the current state of development. If I discover a weakness here, such as last night, then I correct them and then start a new test to determine whether the adjustments lead to an improvement. In yesterday's case, several trades are rattled to the stop loss and then would have been profitable. So I have to calculate the stop loss at a standard deviation expanded.
could clear now I can continue to run the old version, but I've the weakness in this already discovered and corrected. So this would be no great benefit. Losses are to very clear and can not be eliminated completely. I'm not even hide why losses occur only if, they should be fit clearly into the grid and not due to a general weakness of the Expert Advisors that can identify and correct and I. Currently I think that I am very close to arriving at the end of this testing process and will therefore be the latest version now run much longer. want to have
Kind regards Mike
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Blue Willow Kitchen Cannisters
all the like more information about the Expert Advisor can also find the manual for German FX-Unleashed look.
Kind regards Mike
Why Is My Shoulder Sore After A Laparoscopy?
After much back and forth is now considering fixed the selling price of FX-Unleashed. Until the beginning of January 2011 I will sell the Expert Advisor for 299 €. Then for 499 €. This is a simple reason. On the one hand, it was never the goal of this robot to sell to as many people and so I would not offer this product too cheaply. On the other hand, I want the people who follow this blog actively offer a bonus in the form of a price reduction.
The last weeks I've tweaked all four strategies. This is now complete for the most part. It is quite probable that take place in the next time optimizations. Purchasers of FX-Unleashed will of course, every update for free. The update frequency can be increased somewhat in the first period after the start of sales.
The beginning of the sale is on Friday, scheduled 12/17/2010.
Kind regards Mike
Monday, December 13, 2010
How Do I Delete My Direct Tv Recordings History?
Hello dear readers,
is now almost Christmas and I've since 4 weeks not to speak.
Who now believes, however, that I have not played poker in the meantime, you are wrong. I have still reeled too few hands, but all have been since the last entry about 10,000 hands of poker .
Lately I've improved my game in my opinion. I try to bluff or less than not to play weaker hands. Of course I still have a lot of leaks. But I try this with manual reviews, videos, etc. are on the ropes.
Here the graph since the last entry. Thanks iPoker Rakeback the period ended in positive territory ;-)

Especially with Omaha is the rake is very high and so the cuts Winrate enormous. On PLO25 he already makes more than made 10bb/100Hände and so it is very important to have a good VIP Deal. I'm playing in the iPoker Netwerk Mybet and come in pairs, including First Deposit bonus of more than 60%. This is nothing compared to Titan Poker and Co.
However, the traffic in the morning rather weak at iPoker. You have to use the time for theory or resort to the Ongame network. There, I've now eingecasht at Bet24 and play from there and also a few sessions. The development of Ongame will be interesting anyway. After Betfair already joined the network this year, are Party Poker and merge Ongame early 2011. Whether the player pool of Party Poker (Party Poker bonus code ) and Ongame will be merged, has not yet been published. Should there be any news in this opportunity, I will inform you immediately.
in December I will try to get to 20k hands, that would be pretty neat for my system already. So far I've played this month, nearly 8,000 hands. So stay still 12k to go.

leaves you next time your
Friday, December 10, 2010
Concentrate Fruit Good For You
I thought I give you one through an intermediate stage in terms of my Expert Advisor. In recent days I have a lot of the strategies and functions optimized and improved. In between I've also fixed bugs and the forward-test a few times to restart each a clear commercial outcome of the particular version to obtain.
Since I had already incorporated the relevant statement on the website, this has probably led to one or other of confusion:) It's incredibly important to me that the Expert Advisor works, all bugs are fixed, and FX-Unleashed is profitable if I the sale begins.
Right now I am waiting also has programmed an outstanding response from a mathematician, one of the indicators used. Once all this is settled, then goes off.
Kind regards Mike
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Moving In Ebook Dl Kate Cann
So I'm back:)
The two weeks were wonderful in Mauritius. Thank you for your congratulations! While
those two weeks to act on FX-Unleashed was busy. Three of the four strategies were very successful and have made just over 20%. The fourth strategy, however, was relatively verpeilt and has sparked strong between. I have this now revised and adjusted some things. Now, together again so that FX-Unleashed test was running the way I imagine me.
Once this happens, I will first sell copies to interested traders.
I wish you a quality time and Happy Trading!
Kind regards Mike
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Genital Warts In Opening Of The Urethra
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Deck Shoes Dogs On Ice
Victor Chandler Poker on the iPoker Network 12/15/2010.
After more friction with the iPoker Administration regarding the promotion policy has given of VC, Victor Chandler now runs the consequences and leave the iPoker network.
The players go to the 15/12/2010 smaller in the Entraction network. Should you play at VC, but it needs you to make your bankroll etc., do not worry. The money is on Victor Chandler (one of the UK's largest bookmaker) is secure.
So what opportunities are you now?
1) You want to play on the iPoker network?
Then you'll have to leave and head for a new VC iPoker poker room. Of course, I already have an adequate replacement offer at least the same terms negotiated for you. The new space iPoker Paddy Power Poker. Paddy Power is Ireland's largest bookmaker with around 200 branches. Particulars for registration with Paddy Power you can find here:
long-term iPoker VIP offer
2) You want to test the Entraction network?
You need nothing more to do. Your account will be automatically transferred VC 15/12/2010 to Entraction network. You have to only the new poker client and install it. You keep your current deal!
addition, there is a new First Deposit Bonus, an exclusive rake race with a prize pool of more than 30,000 € and regular reload bonuses. All bonuses are NOT deducted from the rakeback!
3) You want to take this opportunity to test another network?
No problem, we also offer non Ongame or Microgaming network for you.
For questions regarding the conversion, you notify us at any time with me.
Best regards Niels
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
How Long Does It Take To Stretch Labia
From today, the FX-Unleashed website live under . From Thursday I will spend two weeks on honeymoon. Then I have to write the English manual, and finish the English part of the site.
I wish you all a good time and Happy Trading:) Mike
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Mobile Word For Windows Mobile 6
Moin dear readers,
as the title suggests, I had the students have presented more relaxed life. Clock from 9-17 am often in the university. Monday I got free and can enjoy a longer weekend. That sounds to full-time working people to whine at high levels, but I will probably have to take a second job because my poker skills ever still not adequate as regular income.
fits the current November Graph Matching:

Friday, November 12, 2010
Miilna Vileba And Man
Slowly it goes forward with my Expert Advisor. After countless hours of programming, testing, and expand is FX-Unleashed (so I name this thing) is almost ready and currently runs the last test. I decided anderst a few things and make them more clearly than all the other sellers of forex software.
On the one trying to purchase the Expert Advisors also get the source code so that you have the opportunity later the robot to expand or be accompanied by a programmer. Second, I will explain in the manual exactly how the Expert Advisor works and what strategies he acts.
, so no more black box will be the works or does not work either. FX-Unleashed includes a lot of really professional features that can be used as a solid backbone to integrate their own strategies.
Another feature will be that with the help of Expert Advisors also can trade manually. Since the traded strategies are explained, you can configure in the EA settings if trades are to be opened or whether just signals. A signal appears, therefore one has to decide whether to make even the possibility of this trade or not.
FX-Unleashed was announced not with any marketing machine. I hate marketing and this product is to be a trader for traders. Honest and transparent.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Indian Booobs Touched By Men
Everything in the frame, even at a profit. Reason enough today want to live the strategy. Optimized for the time being is not, as has been made with the default settings slightly better results than those with continuous optimization of the parameters
- more than 4 consecutive losing trades
- more reach 1,500 € drawdown
Monday, November 1, 2010
What Does Mice Urine Smell Like
who already employed some time with the forex market will certainly have at least one of Karl Dittmann's products have stumbled. Recently I then also found his blog at and that was enough to not say too much!
Karl Dittmann is a real marketing machine with his approach always seems to be relatively equal. He finds somewhere a free indicator or strategy can be free, a website and to write a manual and go with the sale.
In short, this man is very good at business, its products, however, are not very helpful.
It seems " Instant Profit " one of his favorite slogans to be. Also sayings such as "How to Make Unlimited Pips Anytime You Want It. Get this super easy method and n ever lose on Forex Again! " o d he " I guarantee you will never lose a trade if you follow a trend and Flat " are only a dittmanschen small selection from the repertoire of promise.
Of course Karl Dittmann totally honest and just want to help, above all, and his little empire. I doubt it could be realized in any case, ever been one of its customers for a long time profits with one of its systems, but that's just my opinion.
Anyone who wants to give an overview about all the funny sayings and websites can do this like: -indicator.html
the way, who would like to share a negative way, or just critical article in his blog, this should rather forget. All contributions will be reviewed and not be simply dropped.
And probably not much else laudable is written, I suppose, most of his contributions probably by himself or his affiliates. But as I said is that, of course, only guesses.
I believe that we can deal with criticism if you are so far leaning out the window.
Now I am wondering how long does it write to the first comment on this blog entry is, Karl Dittmann praises to the skies or whether the same is received well by e-mail from business because of injury.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
How Many Days Can You Have Fertile Mucus
number of open courses in R1 and S1, and a close above / below
Monday, October 18, 2010
Laser Lithotripsy Expenses In India
This morning, the Expert Advisor has again fabricated three nice entrances. However, there are still a lot to adapt and expand. All three trades are already in positive territory and have the stop-loss followed suit.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Uses Of Tablet Susten 300
Recently, an e-mail has found its way into my inbox that a new Forex broker is applying. For one, I'm thrilled with the conditions, on the other, very skeptical. Here is an extract from the conditions of :
- trade from 100, - € possible
- No commissions or fees
- leverage up to 500:1
- MetaTrader 4 platform
- Fixed spreads from 1 pip
- No transaction costs
- 30% bonus
- 12% annual interest
Severe Itching Legs When Running
After I discovered some really interesting new approaches to forex trading, I thought ok, it would be possible to automate this. Granted who make an Expert Advisor on the act, can be some compromises. Nevertheless, I am more than satisfied with the first test. The entrances are actually very accurate and have a great potential.
this short entry on the picture of the Expert Advisor today made independently and it is not the only one that looks like this:) The stop-loss has been traced by trailing stop to +50 pips.
Advsior is The Expert in the 1-hour chart of considering various chart indicators, 1-hour chart to the 1-month high.
Monday, October 11, 2010
French Pedicure Short Toenails
- MA (in several variants) as a trend filter - no improvement
- DMI as a trend filter - very recommended
- ADX as a trend filter - Highly recommended
- CCI / RSI as a filter for Entries - no improvement
- ATR trailing stop - no improvement
- parabolic trailing stop - no improvement
- Time Stop - no improvement
- XBar exit - no improvement
- Einschränkund trading hours on 9-18 Clock - recommended
- change in targets and stops with single ATR - no improvement
- target adjustment with S1/R1 - fits quite well but have fixed values in the Walk-forward optimization proved to be stable.
- ...
mid-October start it already.
Best regards
darth trader
- Number of contracts = 2 ... initial ...
- subitem (1 contract) will be closed in profit
- runs the rest of the position of ATR stop further
Friday, October 8, 2010
Organzations That Help People
Yes as I said I'm with 53.900 chips start to the day. Even in the 3 or 4 Hand, I think Pocket 7 Series on the hand and raise. A very solid player and the BB called me too. Flop comes 833 and I cbette quite high against both, which also fold. The first chips are so ever won. Otherwise, it runs quite as spectacular. I called once or 3 against a raise and call. AJT flop comes and I'm first to act. To the river, the board is pretty scary, I briefly consider reinzudonken me simple, but to be quite risky. Ultimately would have a bet but probably saved the pot that show the other two 9s and 7s. Then I will also be implemented already. Come to the table, in the course of the tournament attracts most people. 1 Series of Team bwin and are Betsafe at the table, against both of those I've partially already played the previous day. In addition, the drunken Russians sitting at the table, the solid has a lot of chips. Until the break I hold myself with occasional raises over water. Can my stack to expand somewhat and am only slightly from the average, which are about 85k chips.
goes after the break, then blow by blow. I'm in the BB and Co pushed right in, no problem, I think Kings and have him covered anyway. While he has an ace, but keep my Kings. For the first time in the tournament I am average and I still get to other chips. I reraise against the bwin team player who called. I think AKo and also catch the ace on the flop. Against my CBET he folds. Easy chips. Another player from Team Betsafe comes to the table. The Russian and he is probably the chip leader in the tournament. Both 250-300k chips, you can never say for sure. Anyway, I call a raise from the new player with AK on BU. Hitte again, this time the King and embed on their check. He called me and checked the turn again, which I check behind. At the River I bette but then again, on his check and get a call. He mucked his hand when he sees my AK. Meanwhile, I'm really a very solid stack. Nearly 200k it is now and it works quite well. I get AQo and raise, 2 call me. Flop comes Q high and I cbette directly after 1 check. The question behind me but for my chip count, but then folded. Similarly, the checker, Potwin so again beautiful.
Then everything is easy. Meanwhile, people go bust by little. The money ranks are not too far away. Initially there were still 91 people, 39 should come into the money. We're down to about 55 people. I get Jack UTG and raise natural. Behind me, pushed a fold all in. All other and the action is with me again. I know I'm here most of the flip. Since I myself have 7k raiser and the pot is always with Ante 7 k, I have a pretty clear call. In addition to eliminating the chance of still another player and build my stack. How do I get the suspected flip against AQ, but unfortunately I lost.
If not that bad, which is currently the 3rd Hand throughout the tournament, I play preflop Ai. And flips are just flips, I was certainly glad I had him covered and I now still have a stack is higher than average. Happens first is not as much, now and then I could tap to raise blinds and antes with one, but most of the time I fold. Then it's really very fast.
AJo I raise in the CO +1 and the Russians called me. The hand I've played maybe wrong. The flop comes Q high and I check to his bed. Passing through on all 3 Streets, I'm sure he has a bad hand and I, therefore, perhaps even get down from his hand. I had a solid image, always when I was in the showdown, I have shown a good hand. So I had against him but probably not a good chance. Do not know if he simply had too much chips and it nothing or else he has identified one had read. Anyway, he called me down with bottom pair A6. I lose another 40k chips. Am now back in average with about 80k. 2 hands later I find AA UTG +1 and raise natural. Behind me a reraised, what pleased me of course. All other folders and I'll have his chips are not equal to full strength to show. Then I called and am against Queens near the front. Yet Queen comes on the flop and I'm crippled. I remain just under 8k and the initial spot is like always said at 7k. Frustrated I look at the next 2 cards and I find AKs. Even so, it would probably be a gewordne Allin, maybe I would have waited for the BB and would Allin was almost inevitably. In any case, of course, pure ego and shove all of course know that I must push. Everyone folds to the BB who then called with 45s. It must, of course, and the flop comes directly A4x. But that is where the river course, a 5 and I'm busted. Whole 7 ranks before the money. Since the last few months I'm quite accustomed to losing such things, I leave half-way taken the space. However, this is of course not pass without a trace and it annoys me very much. Just under 2k for the 39 EUR would have given. They would have done me well clear if the last few months of this up. And the way I know how I denied once again cash is is ridiculous. I risked my stack was never really as good as ever in a situation preflopai and then I lose one after the other, although I am either the clear favorite, or just get the flip. I still can not grasp entirely, but what can you do. The Russian has, during the period containing 2 times people busted with a Suckout. Each had about 30%. Shall cease to have it stop, if you want a Final ....
What the rest of the days now in Riga so instead is questionable. Particularly desire to do what I currently do not have. My return flight is on Sunday. So I'm still all night and morning I've been all day. Well let's see what comes an extent. Thanks for all the pressed my fingers crossed have. It just has again not meant to be ...
Does Diannet 35 Cause Breast Cancer
Tjop yesterday we went off for me. In wise anticipation in the hotel room to come down or drink a beer. The transfer from hotel to the casino is actually paid, but I've at least taken the footpath on the way out to catch a little fresh air. I then quite arrived there on time and have taken my seat.
20k starting chip stack, and as expected the number of participants was quite tough. Many Scandinavians and of course a large proportion of Russians, etc. In any event, since everyone already knew what he was doing so. Fish has the usual one can not really make up. At least I at my table not. Normally it is said that you then own the Fish needs to be. So wrong it's certainly not been measured because of live experience was the people I advance safer. My day was pretty exciting because I was between time ever fallen apart. However, I have finally survived the day after all. I try to reconstruct still, what were the crucial points.
So at first I was already directly playable hands. Wanted to do some action. The 1st Hand had pocket 5s and I get one caller. OESD flop and opponent folded to C-bet. Puh first pot ever won. Nevertheless, I notice that I hardly get a word out when I want to raise announcieren. My hands shake well. So I decide to order another beer. It will follow a few:) Well a short time later, I raise 68s and get another caller. Hitte right back with my top pair sixth I lied of course and get a call. Turn comes an Ace and decide against a 2nd barrel. He checks behind and the river comes another ass. I told him decide to give the opportunity to bluff, and I'm not sure if he could have an ace. It embeds and finally I put my plan into action and make the call. However, he has AK and I'm beat. So the first losing hand in the tournament would be identified thus. However, it was interesting that he raise the BU against my CO has only get called.
Well I think a few laps later, then really in the hands of AA. Relatively early position and I raise again. A very solid player until then I called and the flop is very fitting with 225th I embed the flop and check then the turn induce a bluff. But he checks behind, so I put a decent value bet on the river again, which will get called. He ultimately had 56 full house, there on the river nor walked in 6th So I win the pot and get a Nice hand. Later, in one of the breaks I had yet to talk to him because he was for me the strongest player at the table, but had quite a bad luck (keep to 2 fold JJ preflop, QQ and AK, but he had quads made). Then he said he still would only get called me because I was already quite active before. So you see what image represents Sun He still had meant to have not bluffing when he had taken nothing (sorry:)).
Well then it ran after that hand rather badly for me. Most Stealraises + CBET I lost. And it was just not around. I was also herausgeblufft from one source. I called the supposedly identified as a rather bad player raise my KQo. Flop comes J high and I place a CBET, which is get called. I get a Queen turn and decide to check behind the pot not to make too great. River, a smaller map, he checks and I bette value. He thinks for a long time and then reraised me. I wonder too, and realize only now that a possible flush draw has arrived. As he told me just more bad happens, I wonder if he just bluffed, because I've shown weakness on the turn. Nevertheless, I decide that it was played by me stupid because I would have the river just behind the check can take it if I had noticed that there is another right heart. Anyway, he shows me with pocket 9s his bluff. Yes very annoying for me, but errors are just punished. Slowly, I also feel the effect of beer. Although I am not as excited, but also attention diminishes.
Another error that has me quite excited: I think KQs'm relatively short with an M of 7 and a solid player raised. Since I have position on him I called. However, I see that before me an even keeps his cards. My call is then set and the player goes all in. For me it is a clear fold, since it is very solid as well. In the end the right decision because I had been beat, but I've just 1k important verballert chips unnecessarily. The error was then even small effects. For a few hands later I was all in with QQ against AQo. Although the flop came ace, but simultaneously also the Queen, which I was very relieved. Double up, it was called then, would of course 2000 chips can be more. Nevertheless, it was like the turning point. With a wavering M 9-12 am limited my game from now on only 3-raiser on stealraises and betpushes against CO and BU.
were now only one other and I stayed by the initial constellation left. The others are either busted or have been placed at a different table. In any case, then probably 2 German sitting next to me. As far as I've noticed that, they have not identified myself as a German and I was able to listen in now and what they had spoken. They seemed to know anyway. Specifically against the 2 I then played my pushes. They gave me quite a lot of credit and I also knew that a large range will have. I was also lucky with the timing. It all went well, once he had even KQo gemucked. However, a good fold, I held AQ, but I'm glad it's not purely gone. Thus I was able to play high slowly back to the 20k limit. So I was now back at the start and almost half of the Averagestack. Nevertheless, a facilitating business but because, of course, what had come to survive the day.
was finally resolved our table then, at my new table was waiting for me again a very solid table, I should note later. A big chip leader I could make directly. He had just under 140k chips. A short time later, it should only be time his 30k chips, go as fast as possible. The first chips he lost it directly to me. I think after a short time Queens in middle position. Raise and get 2 callers. Said big stack is in the small blind about it again. For me, the NEN clear move by the many chips, but since I had the right cards, it was not a difficult decision either way. So I push all in with just under 20 k and he says he has the call. I have it not be recalculated exactly, but he certainly can still fold. Anyway, he says "i have 4 high, is that good?". By me only a dry "i do not think so" and turn against his ladies to 42s. He can not improve and I double for the 2 times a day. Easy money I would say. With him, I found myself short time later, again in one hand and this time I had a difficult decision. I raise 97s in the CO and I get called by him. Flop comes J high flush draw and for me. Clear C-bet against his check, which will get called. Turn then a gut for me. Here I'm probably a mistake, because I think after a moment to tend to check behind. Another bet here would have probably led to the Potwin, but I would have had a tough decision to make a push. In any case, is a 9 on the river for a Midpair for me. He makes a hard move and puts me all in. directly in the pot may be so 10k chips when is high. I get a oddscall certainly not so. I'm pretty sure the front to lie with my 9 because the game is not very much sense, unless he has picked up a comic straight. Again, I think he only used his big stack herumzusplashen something. Nevertheless, I decide to stack my now almost no average for risking such a hand and fold. He allowed one of the 2 tickets to watch, I pick one out and see a 5th So either really funny or just straight total air, which probably was for me. Well I finally threw some point regardless, because I really do not want to risk my tournament with that hand.
Slowly we went on to the final round. My game was pretty tight, I had now really almost average and really wanted to come in day 2. Accordingly, I also wanted to engage in any more stupid hands. After some time I could calm a form from the BB call with ATo. I had just under 5k or so nachzulegen. So in fact any two calling. He had been only k5 and I win again quite simply a great pot a tough situation that still when I think 9er in CO, raise and comes a Allin by BU. I got it covered though, would be pretty crippled if I lose. I wonder for a while and fold it, because again I have no desire to risk my tournament with a flip. At home with an MTT I would surely get called. His range here is usually quite large, but I'm usually a flip, often 30% or Ax I'm really beat. The last 30 minutes I'm hoping to get it just bad cards. After 11 hours of poker you have the nose full of slow and will not bust yet. So it happened then, always 37o or something and usually raiser was before I did. So I could fold reassured. Then said the floorman the last 2 hands. The first trash can I get back in UTG +1 and can fold with joy. So only a hand between me and second day is What will I get under the gun? AKo course, but it's no good and I have said for a long time once again to a raise. The former chip leader called me again. Meanwhile, he has also recovered slightly and stands at just under 60k chips. I really want to risk not much in the last hand. Hitte then my Ace and decide to play me soft, because its range is quite large. Check also flop and turn to keep the pot small. River I use but still a value bet, as he has in past get called quite a lot. He also called this time and as I show insta mucked AK. So finally made it. 1. Day lives! Relieved, I count my chips and pack them into bags distributed. 53.900 chips it ultimately. The average is at the end so with 60k. A relatively good starting position for tomorrow, one would think. The blinds are now arrived at 800/1600 and Ante 200. This blind level is still played 45 minutes. My M is just marginally at 13 I have so much room, but it is with some Sun The chip leader from day B had 300k. The A "only" 150k. So it looks really not that bad as it may seem. Nevertheless, the 2 Day his course ended at any time. I hope that I will with some small pots I can fight forward. Stay tuned:)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Invitation For College Farewell Party
Long time no see. My last entry really been an eternity ago. There are several reasons. First, I had not this semester so much time and have the ones I had, I play for or spent other things. Another was that I'm quite dropped. Simply incredible how easy it is passed in limits to bottom can be. In the meantime, I found myself on NL 20 again and I could fight with bonuses, etc. back up. 2 months later it gave up NL 100 but directly back to the face. Required Cash Outs forced me to re-descent. To NL 50 but the same game and I was relegated to NL 30th There, I am now also, and it is not much better. So go broke slowly is not impossible anymore. gave a glimmer of hope
Well, it finally has. Due to a glaring Grinder month in June (80k hands) I got a satellite ticket which allowed me to win a package to the GSOP. The 1 Stop will be in Riga and I arrived here yesterday safe and sound. Since I still have my last morning Had to undergo testing, it was already quite late when I landed here. The welcome party I've missed half, but that was no longer wild. The casino makes a very good impression and also has a very trendy club with it, to which the players are free. The hotel is also not grad from bad parents. each case belongs to the more senior in this town.
The tournament started today, but I start tomorrow, because I have to be registered for 1B hab. Wanted to avoid that I have Another day break in between. So I used my day off today to my town to look at. Really a beautiful old town, where there is a lot to see. I'm not everything can look closely and I just hope it stays here for now. To do otherwise would mean that I bust early in the main event and the course I want to prevent. The field I can not really estimate but it is mainly young players. Was otherwise expected due to the large part has been qualified with a package. This has of course nothing about the skill level, but I think that's right to be fully fishe are not among them. Today
146 players have gone to the start. If it is morning again, many so, about a prize pool of $ 450,000 comes to pass. The 1 gets about 21% of it and with the 36th Square one is ITM. Into the money I will in any case. As to my gecrippleten roll that would be a great help. Whether I will succeed is of course questionable, but I try to deliver solid poker. At least the first Day I will not really play too risky. It would be annoying if I already bust and virtually had nothing to do till Sunday. There's so much here then but not seen and this alone makes it sooo not the big fun. But we'll see. I will try every day reinzustellen an update. Depending on how fit I still feel this way. Is very hard, as always, the tournament of 14 - Clock is 24. Of course there are breaks, but I've never sat so long in one piece at a poker table. For those interested
the event there is also a live ticker updates:
Stay tuned and wish me some luck:)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Corn Starch For Eczema
Hello dear readers,
since yesterday it is known that changes one of the world's largest poker room Full Tilt Poker is the dealt of Rakeberechnung on weighted contributed. Just what that actually means for the individual player?
First, I want to explain the different rake calculation methods.
Dealt method :
Any player in the current round of a hand got dealt out, is involved in the rake. It does not matter whether and how much has been paid to the players in the pot. Is taken from the pot raked $ 1 and 10 players involved in the hand, so everyone receives the same share in Huh Rake of $ 0.10 (Rake / number of players).
Who Benefits?
tight players that are relatively rare in the pot involved, are preferred. You also get your own without paying into the pot the same rake share.
Contributed method:
The total rake is divided among all players who have paid into the pot. This includes the blinds and it does not matter how much each player have been paid. So a rake of $ 1 and 10 players at the table, the blinds and two other players have paid into the pot. The six other players have folded before the flop. Now the method contributed only get the 4 "active" players (2 + Blinds 2 more players) their rake in the amount of 0.25 $ (1 $ / 4 active players). All others go completely empty-handed.
Who Benefits?
loose player, often in the pot, then fold but quite fast (fit or fold player). This applies mostly to play on inexperienced or bad players (fish) to.
Weighted contributed method:
works similarly to the contributed Method. However, this calculated exactly how much each player has paid into the pot. An Example: The pot is $ 1 taken in rake. Player 1 and 2 pay a 35% each in the pot. The small blind pays 10%, and the big blind is 20%. Now each player receives exactly his deposit in accordance with its percentage share of the rake of the pot. Player 1 and 2 are $ 0.35 each Rake credited. The Big Blind receives $ 0.20 and the small blind $ 0.10. All other players get any payment.
This method is the fairest of all billing methods, because you get charged just as much or little rake, as has also contributed to the pot as a percentage.
Who Benefits? It
benefit virtually all of it, because everyone gets counted as much rake as he has paid.
dealt The method is for the TAG (tight-aggressive) players by far the best. They are also without the participation of the pot its share of the rake. You deserve to speak because others do the game. Many players have grown accustomed to the method and are now dealt storm because FT (Full Tilt Poker Download) that the weighted contributed to the making method. You receive significantly less rake count and that's a negative influence in the rakeback payment.
Many tight players will be making now to look for a new poker room. Only where there is the dealt method of calculation?
The Cake Poker Network uses dealt remain the method of calculation of the rake. There, the traffic is (still) not so big, but just in NL Holdem cash games and tournaments can be found very profitable tables. The Cake Poker network, it is allowed to play U.S. citizens, providing for many poorer players. Our VIP Rakeback offer for Cake Poker offers Poker Skin adameve just tight players a lucrative offer unbeatable.
Everest ( Everest Poker Download ) still expects to dealt from the method. However, I see in Everest no good alternative, because, after the foreclosure of the French Market not as many fish there are. Before it was almost invariably bad French players who have made profitable Everest.
Poker Stars also still uses the dealt method of calculation. It remains to be seen how the games developed there, when a wave of tight players at Full Tilt (Full Tilt Poker Download ) changes to Poker Stars. Moreover, it is only there for frequent players come at all possible to reasonably attractive rakeback.
It remains to be seen, the behavior of PartyPoker . After the merger with bwin ( Ongame Network ) has become known, I think it is very possible that Party Poker is integrated with Ongame into the network and then uses the commercially used there rake calculation method.
I hope I could you a little explain about the different rake calculation methods. Should you have further questions, contact you please contact me by comment or contact me say.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Body Temperature Is About 308 K On A Cold Day
- approach as trend determination by DMI
- DM + and DM fall-have or get to confirm the possible move
- ADX \u0026lt;30, to filter trend spurs
- No Trade is more than 20 clock
- feast profit target and stop loss fixed (first projection 20 ticks)
Update 30/09/2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Deck Shoes Paws Dogs Slip
It's a good feeling to close a trade profitable. You can not win every trade but you can do a lot of evidence that most of the open Border trade profitably and tear a hole into the lost trade account. An essential part of a trade, is preparing to seek good opportunities and to act only these.
This begins for me so that I analyze the market situation of a currency pair in larger time frames. To this end I start in Monast chart and work my way up to the 4 hour chart down. Is there a trend in each time level? What are the next resistance? Is it possible to draw in trend lines? Where are the pivot points of each time level? Help me here a Fibonacci retracement or a possible tool for mapping an extension?
arrived at the 4 hour chart, then I have some Trend lines and important level in my chart located. Now I look at whether there are levels at which several events overlap. These levels are then checked.
Such a key level arises, for example, if the weekly chart is an up-trend, which now forms a retracement. With a Fibonacci tool I can now draw the most likely reversal points. In the daily chart, I see now that one of these Fibonacci level is exactly on a support or trend line. In the 4-hour chart, these two levels from higher levels are now even 5 pips on a round number this together results in a key level. The chance that the price fails at this level and then goes into the upward accordingly large. So I'll keep an eye on this level. If the price reaches this level, search in the 1-hour or 15-minute chart for a possible entry point.
Admittedly, this is work. Because if I do not for a currency pair interesting key level think there is no trade. It therefore needs patience to wait for the trades with good opportunities. Fortunately there are many currency pairs and thus there are almost every day a good chance. offers
addition to good success chances of such a trade, the potential of such trades is very high. After a start in the 15-minute chart you will find yourself suddenly in a 3rd Elliott wave in the daily chart.
Once again, a clear that there is not enough to look for in a time level for a signal of a system or indicator. You may purchase this signal only a few pips below a strong resistance zone, a higher time level. Only a holistic picture of the price makes it a 'good trades with great potential and good opportunities to find and act.
Through the analysis and the "Overview", I get this, it is also possible for an up-trend in the 4-hour chart to act if the trend shows in the weekly chart in the opposite direction, because I know about, what can I expect from this movement in the 4-hour chart and find that it is high time to close my long position.
Friday, September 24, 2010
How To Make Professional Coyote Snares
There are so a few sentences on Forex products sites to me with a clear "Close this window Brower!" Trigger signal. The true meaning of these sentences I've ever tried to put into words.
need for this Forex system you absolutely no experience in Forex trading ...
Exactly, because if you had even a bit of experience with Forex trading, you'd know no later than after you have purchased this system that this system is free on many pages and it already has not worked since. And then you absolutely want your money back!
Forex veteran reveals his biggest secret ...
It seems to be very many of these forex veterans, the secrets of how two could overlapping moving averages for life keep secret under great effort.
This system uses a previously unknown loophole in the forex market ...
Yes exactly, and of these loopholes because there are massive, since hardly anyone ever tried it has found. Of the three people who are watching daily charts, the most likely stupid.
Here is the indisputable proof ...
But I really have no idea of forex trading have? A modified back test? A back test with 5 trades without Stop Loss? A picture? A video? Well, I would then be better to MetaTrader log-in Live account on which the forward-test runs, thanks. And yes, a decent broker who is not listed as fraudulent use by
This product with the latest artificial intelligence ...
respect! Which employs all the technology companies for decades, you pack in 30 lines of code, of which 15 lines trigger an alert. You beat the wrong job!
The price will be in soon ...
If "soon" with the eyes of a planet was definitely seen! A silly light year and the price will no longer be seen. Pha!
Only 10 copies of the product be sold ...
... I go to pee, then some more.
Mucus Like Snot After Ovulation
last few days there is a new product on the Forex market. The manual system is called Method 311 and is available at . It is from Donna Forex is, among other things with their website long been in the business.
EURJPY The method is in the 30 minute chart and consists of a measure of a signals, including stop loss, take profit and trailing stop market. Sorry, there is a strategy behind the system not explained. The system is therefore a black box. The signals can appear on all days of the week until on Friday at any time and then require a manual operation. In general, if it were about two signals per day.
Well what are we to make of it? In a lively discussion the supporters of Donna are the system test. That way, by the way costs $ 149.
my opinion, it is hardly worthwhile to buy this product. Who wants to spend all your time on and around the PC to act twice a day, a signal of a system from which you do not even know how it works? Back-testing or forward tests, as well as statements about the profitability it is apparently although no Donna says she is already a long way this year.
General Donna is known as a kind of Robin Hood of the forex dealer takes care of the welfare of ordinary people and this takes them seriously and act on the forex market teaches. A membership to their website, however, costs $ 60 per month. But it tests every week and sends Expert Advisor recommendations to their supporters to alleged benefits. But the fact is that she earns more than 30% of each sale Expert Advisor. Still seem to many to remember and are not by any argument of its opinion to bring that Donna does not do so in their own interest. Donna claims also like to again and again extensively by herself, she had no idea about marketing. In my opinion it deserves, but with marketing for several years, good money.
I think that it will not be long until someone decompile this indicator and the legendary Method 311 brings to light. And frankly, it will not be surprised if it one or the other could be a little disappointed.
then I get schonmal Pop Corn! ;-)
Update: Today was also announced that Donna critical voices in its forum gladly rewarded with expulsion from their community. That explains why all the groupies.
A section of the manual :
What risk should I use? Should I go live?besonder gefällt to me this part:
We cannot recommend you to trade live with our product nor tell you what risk you should be using, as we are not financial advisors. Method311 is an educational product to assist traders only and any decision to trade with it lies with the trader who has full responsibility over their accounts. Remember that risk and products which suit one
person do not necessarily suit everyone and only YOU can make the best decision for your account. If you feel that you cannot handle this responsibility, please see a registered financial advisor who can point you in the right direction for managed investments.
Method311 product is on educational ...... and does not explain how the method:)