Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Denise Milani Boob Pop Out

Monster 2009 Review Session for 2010

from yesterday evening until this morning I played my longest session in a row. Overall, there were 6.5 hours and yet I'm almost 2.6 k hands. For the number I need otherwise, at least 2 days.
The session went really well and the tables were extremely fishig, so I've only stopped at 3:30 clock. Since I was so tired that my eyes could not stay right, because my normal working day was beginning to clock up 5.
to profit stood at the end of almost 6 stacks, which is also nearly the equivalent EV. There were no major badbeat, SUCKOUT etc. and there has been a lot of fun playing poker. According to my theory study of the past few days, I feel safer in my game again.
Here are some interesting hands of the session:

Hand 1: Sets
opponent 50 / 1 Full Fish
her out of here on the board yet Drawheavy Top Trips?

Hand 2:
opponent: 21/17
What is he to push this already great? How do you like the call? Almost but doable, I would say

Hand 3:
opponent: 29 / 9
Squeeze certainly too small. Flop Play can be well represented by the number of outs.

hand 4:
opponent: 55 / 5
Here I like my play is not. The enemy is indeed a mega fish, but in an unraised pot I can not go broke with bad 2pairs.

My December:

As of August 2009 (entry into NL SH BSS):

The graph looks a mess since August. This is a great incentive to improve myself in the coming years. In early January I will take private coaching to eliminate even more targeted to my leaks.

I wish you a happy new year. We celebrate from the comfort of a friend with about 15 people.

What Do U Meant The Lonely Soul Poem?

Trades - December 09

After an up and down in recent months, this was again a negative month in the row ... and so it happened - were $ 477.50 at the end of the year book, and ended with a few negative trades. Everything else on the accounts in the next post. Well first of all the numbers for the month of December:
December 2009 Trades winner losers profit loss monthly gain Biggest Win biggest loss profit factor total profit

DT_OG 49 17 32 $3,086.20 -$3,563.70 -$477.50 $720,00
- $ 263.80 0.87 $ 5,566.12

And here are the current equity curve:

So the year is over and I'm quite happy with the performance. In the new year I will make my trades more transparent. You will be able to trade them 1:1 after. A post to follow.

Slides good in and celebrate good

Saturday, December 26, 2009

How Far Before Period Do Cramps Start

Hello dear readers, I would
the last days of the year I use a plan for the new year to create. The trip to NL100SH has failed and I realized that I still lacks some of the skill and discipline. To make matters was added to my current stack BRM 25-30. The swings are too big and it takes an emotional much longer, if your bankroll can schmilzen heavily in a single session.
For the theoretical part, I'm still a coaching group or other players on NL50SH + that I can exchange ideas.

following circumstances, I've considered for my plan:
time budget: 25 hours per week
distribution: 20 hours of practice / 5 hrs theory
  • DC Videos
  • session analysis
  • Handbewertungen
  • discussions with other players
  • Max 6 tables (rather 4)
  • notes during the session make
starting bankroll: 2500 $
BRM requirement: 50 Stacks
Start-Limit: NL50SH
  • NL100SH: From $ 5,000
  • NL200SH: From $ 10,000
  • NL25SH: From $ 1,500
  • NL10SH: From $ 1000 ( If it does, I can also stop the same)
cash out: not planned

First year goals:
  • Solid winning player until at least NL100SH be

Where will I play, is still not 100% fixed strength. In the shortlist Full Tilt and Poker Stars are

Why Pokerstars?
  • Greatest Pool Player
  • Passive opponents Many fish
  • Supernova motivation
speaks for Full Tilt What?
  • now 27% Rakeback
  • tracking of Poker Strategy (mainly for forum and hand votes)
  • Free Training Sabo at CardRunners and Stoxpoker
  • SSS is complicated -> Many SSSler migrate
Did you perhaps a decision aid for me?

That was it first from me and I would appreciate any criticism of you to my plan.

Best regards Niels