It's done. After 5 months we have seen the Berlin Marathon live and successfully completed. The starting numbers 25 543, 25 544 and 25 546 are Finisher numbers!
If I now - after 3 days of recovery - think back to the training time, I must say I have seen many beautiful trails. Some I would imagine now:
The most important training run : 18.5 km asphalt, in Saarbrücken power plant to the blue tower in France.

The longest training run : 30 km from Saarbrücken (Germany) to Sarreguemines (France)

The most common training route : from home 1.5 km to the Ensheimer forest , then the 3 km swim in the forest Ensheimer 3 times per
The hottest workout distance : It was 30 degrees in June and right by the sea beach: from apartments to top Sirmione
The southern route : It was muggy, hot, cars, sea air, mountainous and still a beautiful carousel. 5 km gave me was enough. The track on Gran Canaria in Puerto Rico.
The real Greek trail: The marathon was held in Greece, so I also wanted to train there: My Cretan rotation was about 10 km.

My absolute favorite track : 7 laps of 2.56 km in Montreuil-sur-Mer on the 800-year-old city wall with stunning views and good humor
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